The campaign for 2022-23 was S.O.C.K.S. (Service Offering Community Kindness Sanctuary). Bill Schneider came up with the idea and the committee members ran with it. Sue Gigliotti made the sock poster, and each week we performed little skits or took turns talking about each of the attributes that made up the letters of S.O.C.K.S.
Pledge cards were distributed to all our members. On Stewardship Sunday, we dedicated the pledges. We have received 62 pledges to date, but will accept more at any time. Thank you to everyone who supports the church with their time, talent, and treasure.
Your Stewardship Committee,
Judi Pavisich Bill Schneider Richard Taylor Rob Toth Mary Willis
If you are interested in giving electronically, Here’s how: You can customize your giving based on how, when, and how much through Zeffy. Log on to our church website at and click “Donate Now”. You will be taken to the church’s myEoffering page. Simply click on the “Sign-up” button and you will then fill in your personal information and “Register”. Follow the prompts to set up your payment, one-time or ongoing. You can also set up your giving through Bill Pay on your bank’s website.