There are ten Committees as part of the Diaconate. At least one member of the Diaconate serves on each committee along with volunteers from the congregation.
Acolytes Committee –
Responsible for having two people at each church service to light and extinguish altar candles.
Altar Committee –
Responsible for changing the altar, pulpit, and lectern cloths for various occasions, for the preparation and serving of communion, for presentation of a baptism booklet (for a child baptism), for the set up special flowers at Easter (lilies) and Christmas (poinsettias) in the sanctuary and for delivery of the lilies and poinsettias to members.
Coffee Hour Committee –
Responsible for seeing that beverages are prepared each Sunday to be served following the worship service. The preparation can be handled by volunteers or the committee.
Funeral Committee –
At the family’s request, serve a meal (usually a luncheon) buffet style after the funeral. Responsible for calling people to donate food for the meal, purchasing items needed, setting up, serving and cleaning up.
Greeter Committee –
Responsible for two greeters to greet worshippers prior to all worship services and distribute bulletins. After the church service, deliver the altar flowers to people of the congregation.
Membership Committee –
Responsible for contacting prospective members, answering questions about our church, sending letters and our newsletter.
Nursery Committee –
Responsible for operation of the nursery during church services (including Sunday services and special services). Two adults should be in attendance with the young children. One teenage student may assist the adults.
Pastoral Relations Committee –
Responsible for meeting with the minister to share feedback and concerns as relates to church business.
Special Events Committee –
Responsible for many of the special events that take place throughout the year:
Special recognitions, e.g., graduates, Confirmation students, 50 year members
Special events, e.g., decorate the church (inside and outside) for Christmas, celebrating our church’s anniversary, participating in the Strongsville Homecoming Parade
Usher Committee –
Responsible for preparing the sanctuary for services. Arrange for men and/or women to take the offering.