By congregational vote on August 12, Rev. Heidi Denman McDougall was chosen as the settled pastor at Strongsville UCC. The Pulpit Search Committee would like to thank the congregation for its ongoing support, patience and prayers these past thirteen months, as we now complete this important task.
Pastor Heidi came to pastoral ministry later in life. She entered Ashland Theological Seminary at the age of . . . fifty . . . and discovered, with a little coaxing, the brain still worked well enough to complete her Master of Divinity in 2011, graduating With Honors. She became the Minister of Pastoral Care at University Circle United Methodist Church, serving alongside friend and colleague, Rev. Dr. Ken Chalker. After five years there, God saw fit to open a door in a new direction, and Heidi and her husband Chuck followed God’s leading to Strongsville United Church of Christ. Together, they are the proud parents of seven grown children and twelve grandchildren. They are excited about what God might have planned next for their lives together and for their church—together.
Members of the Pulpit Search Committee:
Sally Herzog (Chair)
Ted Bickley
Judy Carte (Co-secretary)
Kristen Clotworthy, (Co-Secretary)
Jim Dettmer
Ingrid Dickson, (Chaplain)
Bill Schneider (Co-secretary)